Geolocation API

JavaScript Disabled

The Geolocation API provides websites with a high-level interface that enables them to query physical location information, such as latitude and longitude, potentially compromising the user's anonymity. This page will check if the Geolocation API works in your browser, display all retrievable data, and ensure that websites cannot access the API without your explicit permission.

Permissions API

Origin Permissions
"granted" – you allow to request your location
? "prompt" – you ask when tries to request your location
× "denied" – you don't allow to request your location
Global Permissions
"granted" – you allow all third-party websites to request your location
? "prompt" – you ask when third-party websites try to request your location
× "denied" – you don't allow third-party websites to request your location

Geolocation API

API Status
Your browser supports Geolocation API
× Your browser doesn't support Geolocation API
(geolocation is updating as it changes)

Geolocation Data

Cache Age
Altitude Accuracy
Reverse Geocoding
Loading maps has been disabled by Privacy Settings.

How Geolocation API Works

The Geolocation API allows websites to perform «one-shot» location queries (getCurrentPosition) or track the user's heading and speed with multiple position updates (watchPosition).

Common sources of location information include the Global Positioning System (GPS), as well as location inferred from network signals such as IP address, RFID, WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses, and GSM/CDMA cell IDs, along with user input.

For devices without special sensors (e.g. a desktop computer with a wired connection), HTML5 Geolocation will match the IP address location (GeoIP). If you change the IP country using a VPN or proxy, the Geolocation API will display your location based on the new IP.

Further Reading

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